Thursday, August 11, 2011

My new blog name!

"To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest."- Monhandas Gandhi

The reason this quote stood out to me, out of all the quotes on the page, was because of the words; Believe, live and dishonest. I love this quote because Gandhi is saying everyone believes in something and if you dont live it, there is not point to believe in it. For example, when I want to grow up I would like to become a vet. I believe in it and I intend to do my best to live it.

Gandhi stood up for what he believed in. And he lived it. Gandhi didn't think about the future, he thought about the present. He didn't think of the worst possible outcome. He thought of the best. Its like someone with cancer. If they believe in the worst, the worst seems closer to becoming true. If they believe in the best possible outcome, there will always be a light in your life, whether its in the present or the future.

This quote will always inspire me and stay with me forever. Always strive to believe and never be afraid to.