Monday, February 7, 2011

City Connections Reflection :D

1) What you believe you did well on the project?

I believe that I did a good job at putting my slide presentation together and making the pictures and text complement each other using design elements. I used the advance image search feature on google and made sure that I found the best quality pictures in order to make my presentation stand out visually. Next, I took the time at home and practiced my presentation many times, so that I was prepared when I presented in class. I also spoke clearly and loudly, so that everyone in the back of the class could hear me. I reviewed the rubric and made sure that the information on the presentation matched the rubric 100%, in the end I know that the information I presented was educational. Even though I was pleased with the work I had accomplished, there was still room for improvement.

2) What you would improve for future presentations/projects?
When presenting my project I hesitated and stumbled with my speech, I got really nervous and I sped up trying to get the presentation over and done with. Now thinking about it, there was no reason in the first place to even be nervous. This was a learning lesson for me, so I need to remember next time I present in front of the class , to take a deep breath, stay cool, calm and collected or else I will have a memory blank (which I occasionally do under pressure). I think I needed better eye contact with my audience. Even though I had memorized my script when the nerves hit, I became focused on my notecards and the smartboard.

3) What did you learn from your preparation (for your presentation) in addition to the presentations of others?

I learned a lot about my classmates countries and civilizations during this unit. For example, I didn't even know the history of Sydney, Australia but little did I know that after I had finished my presentation and gone through it about a billion times, I would find myself being a Sydney history wiz! I am very greatful that I am able to keep this knowledge forever. I have also learnt that the main reason the country that I am from developed not only because of geographical luck but also England needed a place to send its convicts.! All in all, I was intrigued to find out everything that everyone had to offer about their home country.

4) What is your analysis of your performance?

I think it was good all together, even though there is need for improvement. I think that my presentation was appealing to the eye and my information left some people interested and curious. I believe I put in all the required, if not more and I put forth 100% dedication. I am happy with my finished product and think that I did a good job all together.

Heres a link to my presentation:
Sydney, Australia by Abhi


  1. You are really good at self refletcing. I totally agree with all of the things that you said I think that you did a really good job in your presentation! Everything you said in you paragraph was completely right! You did a really good job in your presentation! :)

  2. I read your blog post and I thought that you answered the questions in detail. You supported your thought and and your grammer and spelling is very good.

  3. I thought that your blog post was very good. You gave a lot of detail and made it interesting to read. Something that would make your blog post better would be to have a introduction paragraph.
