Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How did early humans use art to express their prehistoric culture?

Caves paintings are more then just pretty colours on a wall, they are the key to history. They all have powerful stories to tell and if we listen we can learn.

Painting found in Lascaux, France (cave art)
If you were to walk into a cave filled with a million ancient paintings, I bet that half of them would have something to do with animals. Scientists believe that the animals painted might have been worshipped or the animals that roamed the earth at that time. Some of the animals might have even been their dinner!

Found in Lascaux, France (cave art)
As you walk farther into the cave, and realise that there are many paintings, you may be surprised to  see not only animals but also humans in the scenes, (even though they are very rare). Yes, humans you heard right, maybe stone age people wanted to leave behind evidence of their tribe's famous hunters. Another possibility, is that the paintings were used to describe and celebrate rituals. 

Found in Argentina, South America (cave art)
Now you are getting to the point were animals and humans start getting old, when suddenly, you look at the cave painting to your left and see something new....... handprints and red colour markings!The red included in various cave paintings could have been the colour of blood, anger or love.   Handprints are pretty common in cave art, but it is the meaning that puzzles us. In fact, scientists believe that handprints were a way the artist signed their work. The handprints in the paintings were very small, indicating that prehistoric people were much smaller than us. 

 In conclusion, early humans used art to express their prehistoric culture by painting scenes of important rituals, hunting and evidence of community. Before researching early human artifacts, I thought they not as intelligent as modern day man, however, by viewing the artwork I can clearly see they were just as smart as us. After all, they left artifacts for us to ponder over and learn about their cultures.

Here is a youtube video on the Lascaux caves in France:

Resource For text: 

Images Courtesy of:

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Archeologist, Historian or Geographer?

If given the chance to choose a Social Scientist job (Archeologist, Historian or a Geographer)I would love to be a Historian. I would like to be a Historian because I think it would be interesting to uncover the hidden messages in ancient peoples diaries and writing. I have always been very curious about  events that have happened in the past.

One of the most famous diaries that I have read, is "The Diary of a Young Girl" written by Anne Frank. The Diary of a Young Girl is about Anne Frank and her struggles during World War II.  Did you know another famous author that kept a diary was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson also known as Lewis Carroll or the ingenious mind behind "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland".  Whats really interesting is that some of his diaries that he wrote from 1856-1862 have gone missing or have had pages torn out of them. Some Historians believe that his family tore out pages to respect his privacy . Around this time Lewis Carroll was 22-32 years old.

Although I would prefer to be a Historian, my second choice would be  an Archaeologist. I love the Indiana Jones movies and I would find digging up old bones and artifacts to be fascinating. I could visit places like Timbuktu, Egypt and Albania. Also, in the current book I am reading the main characters parents are Archeologists! The book is The Alchemyst by Michael Scott.

This is a YouTube video exploring ancient Timbuktu manuscripts:

13th century manuscript 
Anne Franks diary
 A famous Greek historian who is  known as the "Father of History".

Information Source: 
1.Information for text ~  http://www.articlesbase.com/non-fiction-articles/famous-historical-diaries-258739.html
2.Manuscript Graphic ~  http://www.library.calligraphy-mvk.ru/content/view/366/215/lang,english
3. Cover of Anne Frank's Diary ~ missdidie.com
4. A statue of the historian Herodotus ~ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herodotus

Friday, August 6, 2010


Hi my name is Abhi Narsiman. I have one amazing sister ,a mum and a dad. I was born in Kuala Lumpur. I am from Australia and India. Even though I call Sydney, Australia home ,I have never lived there nor was I born there. I have two dogs (Ginger and Pepper), one hamster (Daredevil) and 32 fish.

2. What are the last three books you have read? (Include authors names please!)
One of the latest books I have read is called 6 Feet Deep by Rose Impey. 6 Feet Deep is about a boys mum who chooses to be buried alive in order to break a previous world record.
I have also read Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Lighting Thief by Rick Riordan. This book is about a boy named Percy who finds out that he is a half blood- half mortal half god, Zeus thinks that he stole his lighting bolt and Percy has to prove him wrong. An interesting fact is that just after reading the book, it was made into a movie. Watching this movie and reading this book really brought the characters to life.
The latest book I have read is The Silent Boy by Lois Lowry. This book is set in the 1980's and it is about a girl called Katy who is the daughter of a doctor and one day when her dad made a house call she saw a mysterious boy looking through the window.

3. What is the last movie you have seen?
The last movie I have seen was during this summer and it was The Sorcerers Apprentice. The movie was about a 10 year old boy who on a field trip accidentally goes into a shop and gets a "present", Merlin's ring and later in life finds out that he is the heir to Merlin. 

4. What is one academic goal you have for this year? 
My academic goal for this year is to be more organised, to get all my projects in on time and to score grades somewhere in the A range.

 5. What is one social goal you have for this year?
One of my social goals is to be involved in more athletic after school activities and to be welcoming to new students.

6. What is your favorite vacation memory?
My favorite vacation memory would have to be the time my family went to Rome and visited the Coliseum. That vacation was historical and eye opening as well as beautiful.

7. List 5 adjectives to describe yourself.

  • Outgoing
  • Funny 
  • Caring
  • Cool
  • Green



    Images Courtesy of Google Images