Friday, August 6, 2010


Hi my name is Abhi Narsiman. I have one amazing sister ,a mum and a dad. I was born in Kuala Lumpur. I am from Australia and India. Even though I call Sydney, Australia home ,I have never lived there nor was I born there. I have two dogs (Ginger and Pepper), one hamster (Daredevil) and 32 fish.

2. What are the last three books you have read? (Include authors names please!)
One of the latest books I have read is called 6 Feet Deep by Rose Impey. 6 Feet Deep is about a boys mum who chooses to be buried alive in order to break a previous world record.
I have also read Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Lighting Thief by Rick Riordan. This book is about a boy named Percy who finds out that he is a half blood- half mortal half god, Zeus thinks that he stole his lighting bolt and Percy has to prove him wrong. An interesting fact is that just after reading the book, it was made into a movie. Watching this movie and reading this book really brought the characters to life.
The latest book I have read is The Silent Boy by Lois Lowry. This book is set in the 1980's and it is about a girl called Katy who is the daughter of a doctor and one day when her dad made a house call she saw a mysterious boy looking through the window.

3. What is the last movie you have seen?
The last movie I have seen was during this summer and it was The Sorcerers Apprentice. The movie was about a 10 year old boy who on a field trip accidentally goes into a shop and gets a "present", Merlin's ring and later in life finds out that he is the heir to Merlin. 

4. What is one academic goal you have for this year? 
My academic goal for this year is to be more organised, to get all my projects in on time and to score grades somewhere in the A range.

 5. What is one social goal you have for this year?
One of my social goals is to be involved in more athletic after school activities and to be welcoming to new students.

6. What is your favorite vacation memory?
My favorite vacation memory would have to be the time my family went to Rome and visited the Coliseum. That vacation was historical and eye opening as well as beautiful.

7. List 5 adjectives to describe yourself.

  • Outgoing
  • Funny 
  • Caring
  • Cool
  • Green



    Images Courtesy of Google Images


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Wow Abhi yours is really good! You have such good thoughts on what you are going to write and are very intelligent!

    3. I Love the ipod, especially Somebody To Love!

    4. Ok, re-posting what I said earlier (might not be exact):

      I really want to watch Sorcerer's Apprentice!
      By the way, how did you get the ipod?
