Tuesday, September 21, 2010


    I remember once in fourth grade when  I was the subject of cyber bullying. I didn't know how dangerous social networking sites were until that particular day, when I was called into the Principal's office...
    I stood side by side to the friend of the bully. Suddenly, the principal questioned me, "Abhi, why did you send this nasty email to her?" I didn't know what to say! I had no idea what he was talking about. First of all I didn't even know why I was called into the principal office! "I don't know what to say!" I said quickly, stumbling over my words. What, that's the best you can think of Abhi? Well what else am I supposed to say? Try something better, perhaps. "I sorry, I don't know what you are talking about." I could feel my palms starting to sweat. I glanced over at the girl, she didn't seem nervous at all. In fact she looked and acted like she was the one who was being BULLIED!
   The Principal calmly explained the email and situation in detail, I then realised what was going on. First, I had to process it. Ok Abhi apparently you have sent a mean email to this girl, now it wasn't me but it was sent on my email account. Well, I am actually the real victim but, in the principals eyes, she was the VICTIM! As I focused back on to the conversation, I think the principal must have realised I kept zooming out and then zooming in, because at that moment we were dismissed and were allowed to go back to lunch. I went home still upset by the whole incident.
    After I changed into my pajamas and had brushed my teeth I revisited the situation. Great, now my dad has been called into the principals office to defend me. Now I will have have two enemies and one of them thinks I am bulling her but really it is the other bully who is doing it not ME! I tried to take my mind off of that topic and focus on getting enough sleep to help me make it through tomorrow.
    In the morning, my dad and I checked the email again, I felt like we were detectives trying to solve a crime scene. The message was sent at 7:00pm on a Tuesday night. Aha the first piece of evidence that I didn't send it (I go to Kumon every Tuesday). "I guess that's the only piece of evidence I need" My dad told me. "Don't worry Abhi, I have total belief that you didn't do it." I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that both of them had so easily stabbed me in the back.
    Even to this day I still feel very hurt and sad inside, knowing that a friend I trusted did it to me. But, if I had to change something, I would have not have created an account. Why? Thinking back on it I was only 8 or 9, I don't think I was mature enough to handle it.
    The two goals that I have would be:
  1. To continue to be friendly and considerate to others.
  2. Associate with people I trust and that I think are honest and that will help me grow as a person

   Images courtesy of:

1 comment:

  1. I love the computer but i hate it when people r mean to others
