Even though, I have not experienced the same life-threatening journey as Mafatu, as the main character in the current novel “Call It Courage”, I know that he showed courage to overcome the storm and survive.

Reflecting back on experiences, I remember a time when I showed courage, I was in third grade and there was a grade bully. This person would randomly choose a different person to pick on each day. Anyway, at recess he would play on this big toy boat (which was basically the only thing we had to play with). This also happened to be the favourite piece of equipment for all the kids. He would make that boat his own special property and only allow, kids the he classed as “V.I.P” (Very Important People) on the boat. Incidentally most of the VIPs’ were boys. Sometimes he would let a few of the girls on the boat, but we politely declined because we felt it was really unfair.
The V.I.P boat scene went on for more than two weeks, until finally everyone was sick and tired of the bully, ordering us all around. We had even complained to teachers, but nothing was done. So, all of my friends knew that I was able to stand up to the bully and asked me to do that exact thing. I new I couldn’t let my peers down but, I didn’t want to get into trouble. I told them that I would make my decision that night and tell them tomorrow.
I am one of those people who can’t keep secrets from their parents, no matter how hard I try. So as soon as I got home I told my mum and dad. They told me that I should be courageous and stand up to the bully, to stand up for what is fair.
I told my friends the next day at recess and they were elated to hear that I was willing to take a stand. As I approached the bully I went over what to say. I wasn’t very nervous at all until, I saw the expression on his face. Angrier than usual, I didn’t ponder over it I just kept rehearsing my lines.
Finally, the moment had arrived. I tried to keep my cool and stay calm during the whole conversation. Amazingly he was willing to listen and thought it was cool that a girl was willing to have courage and face him. I personally thought it went well because, after our conversation he jumped off the boat and announced that anyone who wanted to jump on the boat was free to.
All it took was courage and the chance to talk.
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I had a similar experience with you in third grade and was bullied in third grade too. Unlike you, I was not courageous enough to stand up for my rights and allowed the bullying to continue without informing anyone.However, I have learnt to not be afraid of bullies because it is only words and words can't hurt you.
ReplyDeletegood job
ReplyDeleteyou did a good job