Sunday, May 29, 2011

Australian Creations Trailer


  1. I really enjoyed watching your movie trailer. You have done a really good job on it. It really makes my want to go and watch the movie.

  2. That was a good trailer! If that movie were real I know I would watch it! The music matched the trailer and it fitted well. Nice pictures and timing. Cool effects. Great! :D

  3. I thought your trailer was really good. I really liked it, it would definitely be good movie that I would be sure to go and see. Even thought it didn't give away the whole story it definitely showed that you understood the story, great job!

  4. I enjoyed your movie it made me want to go to see the movie in the cinema's. You did a good job not giving away the movie but making me want to watch. I enjoyed your colorful pictures and your effects on your writing.
