Thursday, May 19, 2011

♥ La Fin est Proche ♥

As Homer Simpson once said, "The end is near". I have enjoyed the last school year.
I feel like I have met so many amazing people. I have also learnt so much, especially
with Malaysia Week. I am going to miss sixth grade but I will always have a vivid
memory in my mind. I know that seventh grade will be just as amazing as sixth grade,
with new experiences awaiting.

What piece of work and learning are you most proud of?
This is a very tough question for me. I feel like all my pieces of work have made me
proud, because I have always put in 150%. If I had to chose one piece of work I feel
I would have to go with my Literature Circle #5 (The Giver). I worked especially
hard on this Lit. Circle because it was the last one of sixth grade! At first, I wasn't
a fan of Lit. Circles but I have to admit they have helped me learn how to decipher
text and really helped me improve my writing skills. My reading skills also shot up,
because Lit. Circles enabled me to read deeper and think about what I was reading.
I am very thankful for Lit. Circles. ☺

What were your greatest challenges?
Homework and Organisation were definitely the greatest challenges for me. I found
it really hard to keep up with all the homework and I still am. Even though sometimes
I find homework hard I try and do it the best I can. Organisation is key factor in MS.
I still make sure that everything around me is clean and neat so that doing tasks is
much easier. I struggled a lot at the beginning of the year, but as sixth grade went on
I got used to it. ☺

Reflect on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner this
I have learnt that I work well in a quiet area without distractions. I get distracted
really easily so I like having someone working close to me, that offers no distraction.
I really liked working on projects with Tiffany because she helped me stay focused
and I worked my best when Tiffany was my partner. I noticed that when I concentrated
on projects I was able to put 150% percent into it and come out with a good grade.
I also learnt that when I am presented with a project I enjoy, like Tic-Tac-Toe, I
work better because I am keen on it. I was very fond of the timeline I recently did
because I like to work on crafts and learn about history. ☺

To evaluate your work habits, choose 1 of the following from each category:
- Could be improved
- Satisfactory
- Perfect~ The model Student <--
I believe that I have perfect behavior in class and out of class.

- None
- Satisfactory <--
- Actively participates in class
I feel like I dont participate in class as much as my teachers would like me to, but
I say things when I know that I have something important to contribute in class

- Needs serious help
- Satisfactory <--
- I'm super organized
I am organised when it comes to homework, meaning that I hand in my homework
on time and my desk at home is always tidy. I am not organised at school though.
Sometimes my locker gets messy and I sont clean it up straight away. This is something
I need to work on.

- Needs serous help
- Satisfactory
- I always go above and beyond what is required <--
When given a task I tend to put 150% effort into it. I always feel the need to be the
best and that is why I push myself to go beyond and above what is required.

Based upon your reflections, write two personal learning goals for seventh grade:
Goal #1: I want to participate more in class. I feel like this goal will help me
listen to my peers and Mr Thomas actively. This goal wil also ensure that I am
paying attention.

Goal #2: My second goal is to improve my organisation skills, because event though
I hand my homework in on time I would like to keep my locker clean and if it does
get messy I should clean it ASAP!

Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know?
I would like my teachers to know that I prefer writing with an outline. I also dont mind
what kind of writing structure I have to follow (Narrative, Essay etc.). I also ont mind working
in partners but I like to chose my own partners.
What was your favorite activity lesson in Humanities this year? What did you enjoy about it?
My favourite activity this year were the Tic-Tac-Toes we had to do. I enjoyed
these becausewe had the power to chose our own groups and we also had the
freedom to chose what three project we had to complete. I enjoyed this because
I like working with certain people, like Tiffany and because your group could
chose the three projects which best matched the talents in your group.

What activity do you wish we could have spent more time on?
I wish that we could have spent more time on the Ancient Egyptian diaries,
because I would have liked to learn more about the culture. I really do believe
that the narratives we did before the diaries helped with the structure of the
diaries. I really like learning about history so I was really upset when I found
out the we were only writing three diary entries.

'Words of Wisdom' or 'Advice'?
Word of Wisdom: Dont take sixth grade to seriously. Enjoy sixth grade life
and just have fun.

Advice: Do your homework the night you get it...DONT PROCRASTINATE!!!!!!
And planners help a lot, most teacher dont update/use moodle.

Bye Bye,
Abhi Narsiman

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