A shelf of sunglasses, soccer trophies and medals. Lastly, a letter from my sister. This is me in three objects.

A shelf of sunglasses. How do sunglasses represent me? Its because I buy a pair of sunglasses every time I go to a beach. Each set of sunglasses has a story behind them. For example, my black and white checkered sunglasses were purchased in Phuket. It was my first time being in Phuket. I was sitting on the beach watching the sunset with my family when suddenly this old man came up to me with these interesting glasses. “Please! I need money! No money since tsunami hit!”. Without hesitating I pulled out 10 baht and gave it to him. That night I watched a documentary on the tsunami and the interviews with the victims. I saw the man and heard his story. I am glad that I helped that man out even a little. This memory and pair of sunglasses will stay with me forever.
A letter from my sister. Even though this letter is only about a week old it is already very special to me. Pria just recently left to go to college. She took a whole day to write the letter. She shared some life lessons, sisterly advice and some meaningful lyrics. The lyrics are “And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance. I hope you dance.” The lyrics mean, never be afraid of any obstacle no matter how impossible or scary they may seem and never take the easy option. Always take chances and never lose the sensation of wonder. I wish I could frame the letter, but sadly, I can’t because its double sided. I will read this letter once a week or whenever I miss her. This letter is an item I will treasure for my whole life.
Soccer trophies/medals. Why are these so important? I touched my first soccer ball when I was two. I received my first soccer trophy during Saturday Soccer, at ISKL, when I was five. At five I didn’t know much about soccer, all I knew was that you had to control the ball and kick it into the goal. I was surprised that I got a trophy but slowly realised that everyone else got one as well. I thought it was a good idea to give everyone a trophy because everyone worked super hard and put in a 100% effort. I obtained my first soccer medal when I was seven. This time it was outside of school, it was at a small weekend gathering for small soccer players. There were only three teams so each of the teams got medals. I have never been a sore loser, so I didn’t really mind if my team came last, but we came first! What made this moment so awesome, apart from successfully communicating with people I had never met, was getting my first medal! This medal was presented to me by a Malaysian soccer player! I still have every trophy or medal I have gotten to date. I intend to keep them evermore.
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