Monday, November 21, 2011

Profile... again :)

Last year we did the same tests in order to figure out your profile. I got Profile C which meant that my right hand, leg and ear were dominant, my left eye was dominant and that I was a logically sequentially person. This year we had the same series of tests to figure out what profile we were. A lot of people's profiles has changed... mine didn't. I am still a Profile C.

I don't think it's a bad thing my profile hasn't changed. I believe I am quite lucky because that means that I learn in the exact same way. I learn through auditory descriptions (only when they are good... no stuttering etc.). I can also learn through visual step-by-step demonstrations. Here is my blog from last year (along with some extra details and facts) on my profile. Enjoy:

Profile C

I learn best when I sit a few rows back on the left side so it is easier for me to access my right ear (my dominant ear). We know this because we did a cool experiment were we had to imagine your parents were in the next room discussing what surprise present to give you and you really want to know. In order to find out what the present was, you had to press your ear up against the wall to eavesdrop and which ever ear you use to find out your "surprise" present was your dominant ear. My profile says that I learn best when I concentrate all my eye muscles on something like by drawing or blinking. A suggested activity for me during class is Lazy 8's from Brian Gym. I learn best when people explain things to me through speaking (audio), because I pay attention to the detail in the auditory explanation.

I need to try and look at the big picture more often. "...Understand and synthesize information from a whole perspective..." This is what my learning profile piece of paper told me. And I completely agree. Sometimes I only look at a fraction of the picture but I click into place somewhere along the line (thankfully). I think I need to try and take more notes, I know on the piece of paper we were given it did not mention this but I feel that I can understand people when they read out a list in great detail. I can also "...follow step-by-step visual instructions." I think that my note taking skill could be improved and that I need to try and improve these things.

The strategies that will aid my learning are activities such as:
- art
- music
- freeform movement
- interpersonal/intrapersonal skills with cognitive endeavors

There is also a list of skills that help me relax:
- Lazy 8's from Brain Gym
- three dimensional art
- blinking whilst looking around an object
These are all strategies that will help me learn.

I would like my teachers to know that I prefer to sit in the back with my right ear facing the teacher or speaker. And that even though I think logically I can become creative and I don't mind what sort of project I get because I guaranty that I will put 150% into it. I need an outline or rubric to follow when writing in order to guide me and set a higher standard. I also like to choose the groups I work in. I dont mind assigned seating but I like sitting with people that are the same level as me (or higher in order to push myself). That's basically all I would like my teachers to take note of. :)

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