“Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swaps of the not quite, the not yet, and the not at all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists. It is real. It is possible. It is yours.”- Ayn Rand (used in One Tree Hill)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Working with others
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This is my current Lit. Circle book |
This time round, for Lit. Circles we had to work with another group member/ members. I think this helped me in a few different ways. Working with another classmate had a some benefits.
When working with a partner you had to do less work which meant that you could get it done in less time. It also meant that I could really focus on putting 150% into my half of the Lit. Circle. You had to make sure that your partner did the same. This brings me to my next topic... The challenges/ obstacles we overcame (tried to overcome).
When working with a partner there were a lot of challenges such as communicating effectively. I think that was something me and my partner could have worked more on. I think that because me and my partner had such different personalities, we looked at the book from different points of view.
When working with a partner you gain new understandings of the book, that you have never thought before. My partner looked at Brian as a very scared boy, were as I looked at Brian as someone who is just naive.
In conclusion, working with a partner was a great advantage on my part and on my partners.
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Sunday, November 7, 2010
Lit. Circle Reflection
In humanities, I am reading Hatchet by: Gary Paulsen, along with Carl, Manuel, Jamie and Alexandra. During Lit. Circles we have to share our passages, questions, connections and most importantly thoughts on the book. This blog post is a reflection on my groups first Lit. Circle reading Hatchet.
1. How your discussion helped your understanding of the novel.
I think that when my group was sharing our thoughts on the book it showed us that there is more than one way to look at something. In other words it made people, like me, look at the book from a different point of view. For example, I thought that Brian was a bookworm but, some other people in my group thought that Brain was very social and that he did not want to go see his dad.
2. Connections that you made during your discussion.
Everyone had different connections. But, most of our connections revolved around feeling scared. I think all of us could relate to Brian and how scared he would have been. We probably have not been in his position but maybe somewhere close to it. His position being having to take over the controls of the airplane and flying it, seeing that the pilot was dead. All of us just couldn't wrap our brains around that fact that a 13 year old boy had the guts and determination to take over and become the pilot
3. Predictions
I predict that the plane will crash in a lake and Brian will have to survive in the jungle. I also predict that the hatchet will help him survive. I think that Brian might also run into animals and that will cause problems in the book. Brian also might make some friends weather it is native people or some other survivors or animals. I cannot help but think that this novel/story is similar to Call It Courage by: Armstrong Sperry, where the main character (Mafatu) had to survive by himself on an uninhabited island. His only friends/companions were animals.
Here is a movie trailer a student made:
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Thursday, October 28, 2010
What role did geographic location and natural resources play in the the development of Malaysia?
Malaysia's Natural Resources:
Malaysia has a wealth of natural resources such as tin, petroleum, timber, palm oil, rubber, copper, iron ore, natural gas and bauxite. But, out of these seven the most important resource that fuels Malaysia's growth is petroleum.
Petroleum. You can probably guess what Petroleum is, if not Petroleum is PETROL (Petroleum).Petroleum is probably the highest selling resource, because countries not only want it but need it (to power cars etc.). Petroleum is a very important resource and countries all over the world would die for it. Luckily, Malaysia has come to the rescue. Even countries like America import Petroleum from Malaysia!
Part played by geographical location in the exploitation of these resources:
Peninsular Malaysia can be found in South East Asia, bordering Thailand and just on the South China Sea. Malaysia is also located near India and China, therefore Malaysia took advantage of this geographical location to benefit from cheap labour to work on these resources, from China and India. In the early days of Malaysia's development, Indians labour was brought in to work in the rubber and oil palm plantations. The Chinese migrated in large numbers to work in the tin copper and bauxite mines. Native Malays were either fishermen or farmers. In recent years Petronas (of the twin tower fame) the company, was tasked with exploiting the countries vast petroleum and natural gas resources.
Part played by geographical location in the export of these natural resources:
Malaysia is also very close to the equator, therefore Malaysia only has two seasons: Rainy Season and Dry Season. Peninsular Malaysia is placed in a very strategic location along the Strait of Malacca and on the South China Sea.This helped malaysia with excellent ports that enabled it to trade in these natural resources. The Strait of Malacca is probably the most important shipping lane in the world! Giving us the first topic: Trade Routes.
Trade Routes. Definition: "A trade route is a logistical network identified as a series of pathways and stoppages used for the commercial transport of cargo." (Definition courtesy of: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trade_route).
As you can see Malaysia's geographic location and natural resources played a big part in the development of Malaysia.
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Saturday, October 16, 2010
My Life as a Mud Skipper!
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Tilly and I |
A few thoughts ran through my brain. My first thought was, ugh not again, I mean come on yesterday the same rotten giants had arrived in our habitat and caused chaos. Also, we spent ages building our houses. But wait what were the giants. Were the creatures monkeys? No, they couldn't be they were not as hairy, even though they looked a little monkey like. Maybe they were some new breed of monkeys. I remember Daddy telling Tilly (my brother)and I something about humans. He didn't say much he just said that if we ever encountered any breed of human not to panic. Humans were much bigger than I imagined. As I zoomed back into reality, I realised what I was witnessing, it was way worse than yesterday it was........ WORLD WAR III!
Suddenly,the humans were treading and falling on my friends homes, they were being destroyed within the blink of an eye. I rushed back inside our home to alert Mum and Dad that the giants were back. But, THEY WEREN'T THERE! Ok at first I was just a little shocked and panicky, but now I was TERRIFIED. Diary if you are thinking, what a wimp and that you wouldn't have been scared to death........ well your WRONG! I mean how would you feel if you were home alone and big huge giants were destroying your friends houses and now they were targeting you and your house. Well let me tell you something you wouldn't act as heroic as you think. Anyway, getting on with the story.
I watched in horror as a human tore down my sapling school. At least there was something in it for me........ NO SCHOOL TOMORROW! To my amazement I heard a noise that sounded very familiar.... Crying! I saw the human fall on his butt, with a BANG! All the crabs hurried out of their brand new homes, just barely surviving. I looked to my left. I jumped. A human had almost ended my life. I ran behind a sapling.
Seven minutes had passed by and the human was still stuck. And might I add she wasn't going to get free easily. I mean the mud was already passed her knee. "Ahhhhh" I heard a human scream. I directed my attention behind me. A man had fallen and was in agony. All my friends gathered to see what had just happened. Then without a word they all backed away. But I didn't, I just stayed and stared.
Finally, another man arrived and helped him back on to his feet (even though his boot was firmly wedged in the stinking mud). I heard a crack. Ohhhhh he won't feel good tomorrow. I ran to Mr. Crabs house, he told me that World War III would soon be over. I let out a sigh of relief.
"Mum, Dad" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I kept following the voices. I could see my mum and not to mention my dad! I skipped over to them and gave them a hug. I couldn't help myself, so I shed a few tears. World War III was finally over!
Image courtesy of:
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Polynesian Essay
By: Abhi, Alexia, Aishah and Jamie
Polynesia is in Oceania in the south pacific ocean. It’s total area (water and land) is about 4,167 sq km. The capital is called Papeete. Papeete is located at 15’ S and 140’ W. In all there are 118 atolls and islands.
Every Saturday Polynesian families prepare an earth oven with traditional foods, fish, pork, taro, breadfruit and sweet potato. The food is to be eaten in large family gatherings on Sunday.
Today their religions are 49% Protestant, 33% is Catholic, 5% Mormon, 5% is Sanito and 4% is Seventh Day Adventists. The major religion was/is Christianity. The main languages are Tahitian and French (French Polynesia).
Polynesian holidays that are celebrated are mainly French. One of the major French holidays that the people of Polynesia celebrate is called, 14th July (Bastille Day). They also celebrate Christian holidays such as: The 1st January (New Years Day), 5th March (Arrival of the first missionaries), Good Friday, Easter, Easter Monday, 1st November (All Saints Day), The first Sunday and Monday in June (Pentecost and Pentecost Monday) and 25th December (Christmas). Other holidays/festivals include: 1st May (May Day), 8th May (V-E Day), The last Thursday of May (Ascension), ), 11th November (Armistice Day), Chinese New Year, The Tahiti festival in July and finally The Hawaiki Nui Canoe Race.
Most Samoans live in little seaside villages, each like a little hut with a thatched roof. In modern Samoa a lot of homes are now built using western materials and designs, but still, each village, usually live in extended families in Samoa. Also, each house traditionally has a fale talimalo which means guest house.
People speak Samoan during their everyday life. They only speak English when something important is happen or when English is needed (business or formal affairs). After their day is over, people reserve 10-20 minutes at night for prayers to their god. On Sunday they also attend church.
Information & Images courtesy of:
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
I remember once in fourth grade when I was the subject of cyber bullying. I didn't know how dangerous social networking sites were until that particular day, when I was called into the Principal's office...
I stood side by side to the friend of the bully. Suddenly, the principal questioned me, "Abhi, why did you send this nasty email to her?" I didn't know what to say! I had no idea what he was talking about. First of all I didn't even know why I was called into the principal office! "I don't know what to say!" I said quickly, stumbling over my words. What, that's the best you can think of Abhi? Well what else am I supposed to say? Try something better, perhaps. "I sorry, I don't know what you are talking about." I could feel my palms starting to sweat. I glanced over at the girl, she didn't seem nervous at all. In fact she looked and acted like she was the one who was being BULLIED!
The Principal calmly explained the email and situation in detail, I then realised what was going on. First, I had to process it. Ok Abhi apparently you have sent a mean email to this girl, now it wasn't me but it was sent on my email account. Well, I am actually the real victim but, in the principals eyes, she was the VICTIM! As I focused back on to the conversation, I think the principal must have realised I kept zooming out and then zooming in, because at that moment we were dismissed and were allowed to go back to lunch. I went home still upset by the whole incident.
After I changed into my pajamas and had brushed my teeth I revisited the situation. Great, now my dad has been called into the principals office to defend me. Now I will have have two enemies and one of them thinks I am bulling her but really it is the other bully who is doing it not ME! I tried to take my mind off of that topic and focus on getting enough sleep to help me make it through tomorrow.
In the morning, my dad and I checked the email again, I felt like we were detectives trying to solve a crime scene. The message was sent at 7:00pm on a Tuesday night. Aha the first piece of evidence that I didn't send it (I go to Kumon every Tuesday). "I guess that's the only piece of evidence I need" My dad told me. "Don't worry Abhi, I have total belief that you didn't do it." I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that both of them had so easily stabbed me in the back. Even to this day I still feel very hurt and sad inside, knowing that a friend I trusted did it to me. But, if I had to change something, I would have not have created an account. Why? Thinking back on it I was only 8 or 9, I don't think I was mature enough to handle it.
Images courtesy of:
I stood side by side to the friend of the bully. Suddenly, the principal questioned me, "Abhi, why did you send this nasty email to her?" I didn't know what to say! I had no idea what he was talking about. First of all I didn't even know why I was called into the principal office! "I don't know what to say!" I said quickly, stumbling over my words. What, that's the best you can think of Abhi? Well what else am I supposed to say? Try something better, perhaps. "I sorry, I don't know what you are talking about." I could feel my palms starting to sweat. I glanced over at the girl, she didn't seem nervous at all. In fact she looked and acted like she was the one who was being BULLIED!
The Principal calmly explained the email and situation in detail, I then realised what was going on. First, I had to process it. Ok Abhi apparently you have sent a mean email to this girl, now it wasn't me but it was sent on my email account. Well, I am actually the real victim but, in the principals eyes, she was the VICTIM! As I focused back on to the conversation, I think the principal must have realised I kept zooming out and then zooming in, because at that moment we were dismissed and were allowed to go back to lunch. I went home still upset by the whole incident.
After I changed into my pajamas and had brushed my teeth I revisited the situation. Great, now my dad has been called into the principals office to defend me. Now I will have have two enemies and one of them thinks I am bulling her but really it is the other bully who is doing it not ME! I tried to take my mind off of that topic and focus on getting enough sleep to help me make it through tomorrow.

- To continue to be friendly and considerate to others.
- Associate with people I trust and that I think are honest and that will help me grow as a person
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Sunday, September 12, 2010
When have I showed courage?
Even though, I have not experienced the same life-threatening journey as Mafatu, as the main character in the current novel “Call It Courage”, I know that he showed courage to overcome the storm and survive.

Reflecting back on experiences, I remember a time when I showed courage, I was in third grade and there was a grade bully. This person would randomly choose a different person to pick on each day. Anyway, at recess he would play on this big toy boat (which was basically the only thing we had to play with). This also happened to be the favourite piece of equipment for all the kids. He would make that boat his own special property and only allow, kids the he classed as “V.I.P” (Very Important People) on the boat. Incidentally most of the VIPs’ were boys. Sometimes he would let a few of the girls on the boat, but we politely declined because we felt it was really unfair.
The V.I.P boat scene went on for more than two weeks, until finally everyone was sick and tired of the bully, ordering us all around. We had even complained to teachers, but nothing was done. So, all of my friends knew that I was able to stand up to the bully and asked me to do that exact thing. I new I couldn’t let my peers down but, I didn’t want to get into trouble. I told them that I would make my decision that night and tell them tomorrow.
I am one of those people who can’t keep secrets from their parents, no matter how hard I try. So as soon as I got home I told my mum and dad. They told me that I should be courageous and stand up to the bully, to stand up for what is fair.
I told my friends the next day at recess and they were elated to hear that I was willing to take a stand. As I approached the bully I went over what to say. I wasn’t very nervous at all until, I saw the expression on his face. Angrier than usual, I didn’t ponder over it I just kept rehearsing my lines.
Finally, the moment had arrived. I tried to keep my cool and stay calm during the whole conversation. Amazingly he was willing to listen and thought it was cool that a girl was willing to have courage and face him. I personally thought it went well because, after our conversation he jumped off the boat and announced that anyone who wanted to jump on the boat was free to.
All it took was courage and the chance to talk.
Image Courtesy of:
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
How did early humans use art to express their prehistoric culture?
Caves paintings are more then just pretty colours on a wall, they are the key to history. They all have powerful stories to tell and if we listen we can learn.
If you were to walk into a cave filled with a million ancient paintings, I bet that half of them would have something to do with animals. Scientists believe that the animals painted might have been worshipped or the animals that roamed the earth at that time. Some of the animals might have even been their dinner!
As you walk farther into the cave, and realise that there are many paintings, you may be surprised to see not only animals but also humans in the scenes, (even though they are very rare). Yes, humans you heard right, maybe stone age people wanted to leave behind evidence of their tribe's famous hunters. Another possibility, is that the paintings were used to describe and celebrate rituals.
Now you are getting to the point were animals and humans start getting old, when suddenly, you look at the cave painting to your left and see something new....... handprints and red colour markings!The red included in various cave paintings could have been the colour of blood, anger or love. Handprints are pretty common in cave art, but it is the meaning that puzzles us. In fact, scientists believe that handprints were a way the artist signed their work. The handprints in the paintings were very small, indicating that prehistoric people were much smaller than us.
In conclusion, early humans used art to express their prehistoric culture by painting scenes of important rituals, hunting and evidence of community. Before researching early human artifacts, I thought they not as intelligent as modern day man, however, by viewing the artwork I can clearly see they were just as smart as us. After all, they left artifacts for us to ponder over and learn about their cultures.
Here is a youtube video on the Lascaux caves in France:
Resource For text:
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Painting found in Lascaux, France (cave art) |
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Found in Lascaux, France (cave art) |
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Found in Argentina, South America (cave art) |
In conclusion, early humans used art to express their prehistoric culture by painting scenes of important rituals, hunting and evidence of community. Before researching early human artifacts, I thought they not as intelligent as modern day man, however, by viewing the artwork I can clearly see they were just as smart as us. After all, they left artifacts for us to ponder over and learn about their cultures.
Here is a youtube video on the Lascaux caves in France:
Resource For text:
- www.edsitement.neh.gov
- History Alive, The Ancient World pg. 9
Images Courtesy of:
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Archeologist, Historian or Geographer?
If given the chance to choose a Social Scientist job (Archeologist, Historian or a Geographer)I would love to be a Historian. I would like to be a Historian because I think it would be interesting to uncover the hidden messages in ancient peoples diaries and writing. I have always been very curious about events that have happened in the past.
One of the most famous diaries that I have read, is "The Diary of a Young Girl" written by Anne Frank. The Diary of a Young Girl is about Anne Frank and her struggles during World War II. Did you know another famous author that kept a diary was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson also known as Lewis Carroll or the ingenious mind behind "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland". Whats really interesting is that some of his diaries that he wrote from 1856-1862 have gone missing or have had pages torn out of them. Some Historians believe that his family tore out pages to respect his privacy . Around this time Lewis Carroll was 22-32 years old.
Although I would prefer to be a Historian, my second choice would be an Archaeologist. I love the Indiana Jones movies and I would find digging up old bones and artifacts to be fascinating. I could visit places like Timbuktu, Egypt and Albania. Also, in the current book I am reading the main characters parents are Archeologists! The book is The Alchemyst by Michael Scott.
This is a YouTube video exploring ancient Timbuktu manuscripts:
One of the most famous diaries that I have read, is "The Diary of a Young Girl" written by Anne Frank. The Diary of a Young Girl is about Anne Frank and her struggles during World War II. Did you know another famous author that kept a diary was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson also known as Lewis Carroll or the ingenious mind behind "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland". Whats really interesting is that some of his diaries that he wrote from 1856-1862 have gone missing or have had pages torn out of them. Some Historians believe that his family tore out pages to respect his privacy . Around this time Lewis Carroll was 22-32 years old.
Although I would prefer to be a Historian, my second choice would be an Archaeologist. I love the Indiana Jones movies and I would find digging up old bones and artifacts to be fascinating. I could visit places like Timbuktu, Egypt and Albania. Also, in the current book I am reading the main characters parents are Archeologists! The book is The Alchemyst by Michael Scott.
This is a YouTube video exploring ancient Timbuktu manuscripts:
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13th century manuscript |
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Anne Franks diary |
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A famous Greek historian who is known as the "Father of History". |
Information Source:
1.Information for text ~ http://www.articlesbase.com/non-fiction-articles/famous-historical-diaries-258739.html
2.Manuscript Graphic ~ http://www.library.calligraphy-mvk.ru/content/view/366/215/lang,english
3. Cover of Anne Frank's Diary ~ missdidie.com
4. A statue of the historian Herodotus ~ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herodotus
1.Information for text ~ http://www.articlesbase.com/non-fiction-articles/famous-historical-diaries-258739.html
2.Manuscript Graphic ~ http://www.library.calligraphy-mvk.ru/content/view/366/215/lang,english
3. Cover of Anne Frank's Diary ~ missdidie.com
4. A statue of the historian Herodotus ~ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herodotus
Friday, August 6, 2010
Hi my name is Abhi Narsiman. I have one amazing sister ,a mum and a dad. I was born in Kuala Lumpur. I am from Australia and India. Even though I call Sydney, Australia home ,I have never lived there nor was I born there. I have two dogs (Ginger and Pepper), one hamster (Daredevil) and 32 fish.
2. What are the last three books you have read? (Include authors names please!)
One of the latest books I have read is called 6 Feet Deep by Rose Impey. 6 Feet Deep is about a boys mum who chooses to be buried alive in order to break a previous world record.
I have also read Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Lighting Thief by Rick Riordan. This book is about a boy named Percy who finds out that he is a half blood- half mortal half god, Zeus thinks that he stole his lighting bolt and Percy has to prove him wrong. An interesting fact is that just after reading the book, it was made into a movie. Watching this movie and reading this book really brought the characters to life.
The latest book I have read is The Silent Boy by Lois Lowry. This book is set in the 1980's and it is about a girl called Katy who is the daughter of a doctor and one day when her dad made a house call she saw a mysterious boy looking through the window.
I have also read Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Lighting Thief by Rick Riordan. This book is about a boy named Percy who finds out that he is a half blood- half mortal half god, Zeus thinks that he stole his lighting bolt and Percy has to prove him wrong. An interesting fact is that just after reading the book, it was made into a movie. Watching this movie and reading this book really brought the characters to life.
The latest book I have read is The Silent Boy by Lois Lowry. This book is set in the 1980's and it is about a girl called Katy who is the daughter of a doctor and one day when her dad made a house call she saw a mysterious boy looking through the window.
3. What is the last movie you have seen?
The last movie I have seen was during this summer and it was The Sorcerers Apprentice. The movie was about a 10 year old boy who on a field trip accidentally goes into a shop and gets a "present", Merlin's ring and later in life finds out that he is the heir to Merlin.
4. What is one academic goal you have for this year?

5. What is one social goal you have for this year?
One of my social goals is to be involved in more athletic after school activities and to be welcoming to new students.
6. What is your favorite vacation memory?
My favorite vacation memory would have to be the time my family went to Rome and visited the Coliseum. That vacation was historical and eye opening as well as beautiful.
7. List 5 adjectives to describe yourself.
- Outgoing
- Funny
- Caring
- Cool
- Green
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Funny Images Courtesy of Google Images |
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