Monday, November 21, 2011

Profile... again :)

Last year we did the same tests in order to figure out your profile. I got Profile C which meant that my right hand, leg and ear were dominant, my left eye was dominant and that I was a logically sequentially person. This year we had the same series of tests to figure out what profile we were. A lot of people's profiles has changed... mine didn't. I am still a Profile C.

I don't think it's a bad thing my profile hasn't changed. I believe I am quite lucky because that means that I learn in the exact same way. I learn through auditory descriptions (only when they are good... no stuttering etc.). I can also learn through visual step-by-step demonstrations. Here is my blog from last year (along with some extra details and facts) on my profile. Enjoy:

Profile C

I learn best when I sit a few rows back on the left side so it is easier for me to access my right ear (my dominant ear). We know this because we did a cool experiment were we had to imagine your parents were in the next room discussing what surprise present to give you and you really want to know. In order to find out what the present was, you had to press your ear up against the wall to eavesdrop and which ever ear you use to find out your "surprise" present was your dominant ear. My profile says that I learn best when I concentrate all my eye muscles on something like by drawing or blinking. A suggested activity for me during class is Lazy 8's from Brian Gym. I learn best when people explain things to me through speaking (audio), because I pay attention to the detail in the auditory explanation.

I need to try and look at the big picture more often. "...Understand and synthesize information from a whole perspective..." This is what my learning profile piece of paper told me. And I completely agree. Sometimes I only look at a fraction of the picture but I click into place somewhere along the line (thankfully). I think I need to try and take more notes, I know on the piece of paper we were given it did not mention this but I feel that I can understand people when they read out a list in great detail. I can also "...follow step-by-step visual instructions." I think that my note taking skill could be improved and that I need to try and improve these things.

The strategies that will aid my learning are activities such as:
- art
- music
- freeform movement
- interpersonal/intrapersonal skills with cognitive endeavors

There is also a list of skills that help me relax:
- Lazy 8's from Brain Gym
- three dimensional art
- blinking whilst looking around an object
These are all strategies that will help me learn.

I would like my teachers to know that I prefer to sit in the back with my right ear facing the teacher or speaker. And that even though I think logically I can become creative and I don't mind what sort of project I get because I guaranty that I will put 150% into it. I need an outline or rubric to follow when writing in order to guide me and set a higher standard. I also like to choose the groups I work in. I dont mind assigned seating but I like sitting with people that are the same level as me (or higher in order to push myself). That's basically all I would like my teachers to take note of. :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Me in Three Objects :)

A shelf of sunglasses, soccer trophies and medals. Lastly, a letter from my sister. This is me in three objects.

A shelf of sunglasses. How do sunglasses represent me? Its because I buy a pair of sunglasses every time I go to a beach. Each set of sunglasses has a story behind them. For example, my black and white checkered sunglasses were purchased in Phuket. It was my first time being in Phuket. I was sitting on the beach watching the sunset with my family when suddenly this old man came up to me with these interesting glasses. “Please! I need money! No money since tsunami hit!”. Without hesitating I pulled out 10 baht and gave it to him. That night I watched a documentary on the tsunami and the interviews with the victims. I saw the man and heard his story. I am glad that I helped that man out even a little. This memory and pair of sunglasses will stay with me forever.

A letter from my sister. Even though this letter is only about a week old it is already very special to me. Pria just recently left to go to college. She took a whole day to write the letter. She shared some life lessons, sisterly advice and some meaningful lyrics. The lyrics are “And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance. I hope you dance.” The lyrics mean, never be afraid of any obstacle no matter how impossible or scary they may seem and never take the easy option. Always take chances and never lose the sensation of wonder. I wish I could frame the letter, but sadly, I can’t because its double sided. I will read this letter once a week or whenever I miss her. This letter is an item I will treasure for my whole life.

Soccer trophies/medals. Why are these so important? I touched my first soccer ball when I was two. I received my first soccer trophy during Saturday Soccer, at ISKL, when I was five. At five I didn’t know much about soccer, all I knew was that you had to control the ball and kick it into the goal. I was surprised that I got a trophy but slowly realised that everyone else got one as well. I thought it was a good idea to give everyone a trophy because everyone worked super hard and put in a 100% effort. I obtained my first soccer medal when I was seven. This time it was outside of school, it was at a small weekend gathering for small soccer players. There were only three teams so each of the teams got medals. I have never been a sore loser, so I didn’t really mind if my team came last, but we came first! What made this moment so awesome, apart from successfully communicating with people I had never met, was getting my first medal! This medal was presented to me by a Malaysian soccer player! I still have every trophy or medal I have gotten to date. I intend to keep them evermore.

I am curious to find out what other objects will come to be significant in my life. Will they mean more to me and express me better than the ones I have talked about? Possibly... but for now, this is me, aged, in three objects.


People's fates are simplified by their names.

- Elias Canetti

Abhi. Short, sweet, shows my heritage, but don’t even get me started on how many times I have seen my name spelt or pronounced wrong. If only I had a nickel for every time...

When I imagine my name I think of the colour purple. Imagine a meadow. Filled with red and blue, only one purple flower in the middle, dancing with the breeze. Elegant, yet staying upright. The envy of the red flowers and the friendliness of the blue. This is the picture I want people to get whilst hearing name. Whether for the first time or the hundredth time. The purple flower so unique, like my name. Purple: The mix of red and blue. Red, the colour of envy and war. Blue, the colour of the ocean and the sky. Very different colours, with different meanings. Yet, when put together so beautiful. “Like most babies you were wrapped in a pink blanket. What made you stand out was the enormous purple stuffed toy that your sister had placed at the bottom of the crib called Barney. This was her gift to you.” My mum used to tell me this as a child. To be specific the colour of the toy was purple, royal purple. Elegant and strong at the same time.

I like the fact that my name is rare. I have only met one person with the same name. This makes me feel unique. When my parents heard that they were going to have another child, they were curious to find out if it was a girl or a boy. When my parents discovered they were having a girl, they were ecstatic! They started researching names right away. Both of them absolutely wanted a name that illustrated my heritage, Indian and Australian/Irish/English. After procrastinating for about a month my dad proposed a middle name, Alexandra, meaning ‘The protector’. It was the perfect name to represent half of my heritage. As for the first name, they compromised and agreed to spend a week making their own “name lists”. At the end of the week they sat down and shared their lists. My parents had both picked short, sweet, simple, Indian names. What was apparent was they had both picked names beginning with the letter ‘A’. They pored over each others list and eliminated any names that would lose their charm when said by a Non-Indian. They could only agree upon one name that was timeless and charming no matter how you said it, Abhi, meaning ‘Fathers joy’. I have also heard that my name means ‘Fearless’ and ‘Now’. I would like to think that I am fearless, I am not afraid of taking risks. I don’t enjoy dwelling on the past or figuring out the future. I like to live in the now. My name is short, sweet and simple, like me.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Take a Stand

Do governments have a duty of care to their citizens and as such should they provide free access to books in the form of libraries? In the United Kingdom libraries are being shut down due to the lack of use. This is the reason the government decided to shut the libraries down, because they feel it is a waste of space. A lot of people are protesting in many parts of the UK, causing the government to rethink actions.

A good book on your shelf is a friend that turns its back on you and remains a friend.

~Author Unknown

I strongly believe that even if the budget is suffering, there is no need to tear down libraries. A library is a place where regardless of your bank account, race, age, or past, you can learn. You can gain knowledge from the internet or books that are completely free. People that don't have computers go to libraries for school projects or to interact with others, such as on Facebook. People that can't afford books might go to libraries in order to look up information or read for pleasure.

Im convinced reading is one of the most important things in the world. It allows you to escape reality. To learn about the past. To be someone else in the present. To look into the future. Reading inspires you. A book can let you live out your dreams. But most importantly, makes you wiser. The government has no right to take this away.

"A librarian is the thin red line between barbarism and civilization." Neil Gaiman once said this. I agree. Without libraries where would we be? We wouldn't be well educated. We wouldn't speak the languages we do. Libraries make us who we are, civilized.

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counsellors, and the most patient of teachers.

- Charles W. Eliot

Thursday, August 11, 2011

My new blog name!

"To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest."- Monhandas Gandhi

The reason this quote stood out to me, out of all the quotes on the page, was because of the words; Believe, live and dishonest. I love this quote because Gandhi is saying everyone believes in something and if you dont live it, there is not point to believe in it. For example, when I want to grow up I would like to become a vet. I believe in it and I intend to do my best to live it.

Gandhi stood up for what he believed in. And he lived it. Gandhi didn't think about the future, he thought about the present. He didn't think of the worst possible outcome. He thought of the best. Its like someone with cancer. If they believe in the worst, the worst seems closer to becoming true. If they believe in the best possible outcome, there will always be a light in your life, whether its in the present or the future.

This quote will always inspire me and stay with me forever. Always strive to believe and never be afraid to.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

♥ La Fin est Proche ♥

As Homer Simpson once said, "The end is near". I have enjoyed the last school year.
I feel like I have met so many amazing people. I have also learnt so much, especially
with Malaysia Week. I am going to miss sixth grade but I will always have a vivid
memory in my mind. I know that seventh grade will be just as amazing as sixth grade,
with new experiences awaiting.

What piece of work and learning are you most proud of?
This is a very tough question for me. I feel like all my pieces of work have made me
proud, because I have always put in 150%. If I had to chose one piece of work I feel
I would have to go with my Literature Circle #5 (The Giver). I worked especially
hard on this Lit. Circle because it was the last one of sixth grade! At first, I wasn't
a fan of Lit. Circles but I have to admit they have helped me learn how to decipher
text and really helped me improve my writing skills. My reading skills also shot up,
because Lit. Circles enabled me to read deeper and think about what I was reading.
I am very thankful for Lit. Circles. ☺

What were your greatest challenges?
Homework and Organisation were definitely the greatest challenges for me. I found
it really hard to keep up with all the homework and I still am. Even though sometimes
I find homework hard I try and do it the best I can. Organisation is key factor in MS.
I still make sure that everything around me is clean and neat so that doing tasks is
much easier. I struggled a lot at the beginning of the year, but as sixth grade went on
I got used to it. ☺

Reflect on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner this
I have learnt that I work well in a quiet area without distractions. I get distracted
really easily so I like having someone working close to me, that offers no distraction.
I really liked working on projects with Tiffany because she helped me stay focused
and I worked my best when Tiffany was my partner. I noticed that when I concentrated
on projects I was able to put 150% percent into it and come out with a good grade.
I also learnt that when I am presented with a project I enjoy, like Tic-Tac-Toe, I
work better because I am keen on it. I was very fond of the timeline I recently did
because I like to work on crafts and learn about history. ☺

To evaluate your work habits, choose 1 of the following from each category:
- Could be improved
- Satisfactory
- Perfect~ The model Student <--
I believe that I have perfect behavior in class and out of class.

- None
- Satisfactory <--
- Actively participates in class
I feel like I dont participate in class as much as my teachers would like me to, but
I say things when I know that I have something important to contribute in class

- Needs serious help
- Satisfactory <--
- I'm super organized
I am organised when it comes to homework, meaning that I hand in my homework
on time and my desk at home is always tidy. I am not organised at school though.
Sometimes my locker gets messy and I sont clean it up straight away. This is something
I need to work on.

- Needs serous help
- Satisfactory
- I always go above and beyond what is required <--
When given a task I tend to put 150% effort into it. I always feel the need to be the
best and that is why I push myself to go beyond and above what is required.

Based upon your reflections, write two personal learning goals for seventh grade:
Goal #1: I want to participate more in class. I feel like this goal will help me
listen to my peers and Mr Thomas actively. This goal wil also ensure that I am
paying attention.

Goal #2: My second goal is to improve my organisation skills, because event though
I hand my homework in on time I would like to keep my locker clean and if it does
get messy I should clean it ASAP!

Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know?
I would like my teachers to know that I prefer writing with an outline. I also dont mind
what kind of writing structure I have to follow (Narrative, Essay etc.). I also ont mind working
in partners but I like to chose my own partners.
What was your favorite activity lesson in Humanities this year? What did you enjoy about it?
My favourite activity this year were the Tic-Tac-Toes we had to do. I enjoyed
these becausewe had the power to chose our own groups and we also had the
freedom to chose what three project we had to complete. I enjoyed this because
I like working with certain people, like Tiffany and because your group could
chose the three projects which best matched the talents in your group.

What activity do you wish we could have spent more time on?
I wish that we could have spent more time on the Ancient Egyptian diaries,
because I would have liked to learn more about the culture. I really do believe
that the narratives we did before the diaries helped with the structure of the
diaries. I really like learning about history so I was really upset when I found
out the we were only writing three diary entries.

'Words of Wisdom' or 'Advice'?
Word of Wisdom: Dont take sixth grade to seriously. Enjoy sixth grade life
and just have fun.

Advice: Do your homework the night you get it...DONT PROCRASTINATE!!!!!!
And planners help a lot, most teacher dont update/use moodle.

Bye Bye,
Abhi Narsiman

Sunday, April 10, 2011

....... Sincerely, Jonas

Dear Fiona,

It is with a heavy heart that I write to you, my beautiful, this letter. You are the only person, aside from The Giver, that I have told... I am planning an escape. I plan to escape to Elsewhere. As you might of noticed, by the time you read this I am going to be long gone from the community; the community that has suffocated me little by little each day for my whole life. This community is isolating me too much. There is no freedom, no choice and no emotion. I am going to isolate myself from the community, you might not see me again. I'm sorry that you can't stop me, but you really do have to understand when I began to receive memories from the Giver my life became an emotional roller coster; filled with memories of pleasure and pain. The realization that humans could be so cruel to each other filled me with horror. I thought I would write this letter to you, in order to clear up any confusion as to why I disappeared.

Over the one year time period in which I have been trained as the New Receiver of Memories I have felt and experienced many different things. As a receiver of memories you are destined to receive memories from The Giver. Now I am going to divulge the main reasons that steered me to leave the community. The memories I have received are much like experiences that have been passed down from generation to generation of Givers. One very vivid memory was a family gathering. The two aged people were called "grandparents". The family were enjoying a pleasurable evening. The was a fire with a beautifully decorated tree on the right. The tree had flashing green, red and yellow bright lights. Close to the tree, almost as if underneath, there were children! The children were unwrapping toys and other objects. (Pg. 122-123 of The Giver by Lois Lowry). Wait, why am I talking about colour when it isn't talked about in the community. Colour adds diversity to the world, I don't really know how to explain what colour is in more detail, sorry. This memory was very colourful, the memory made me feel calm and really warm on the inside, but best of all the memory introduced me to a word that made me feel gooey, inside and out. The word was love. I feel that love is a word that needs to be used more often. Love isn't a word just describing the happiness you feel when in the presence of a person, it's a word used to show someone that you care deeply and passionately about them. This memory was The Giver's favourite memory, it was also one of my favourite memories because it showed a family so different to our families. I felt that everybody in the room had a strong relationship with one another... they didn't have to talk about their feelings because the love was in the air. The love in the room was so powerful, so meaningful, it felt good. This, Fiona, is what I feel for you. ♥

Although many memories were like the one I just described, some weren't as enjoyable. I remember once when I received a dreadful memory, it even pained The Giver having to transfer it to me. This memory opened me up to grief and physical pain, which was much more than I expected. I don't think anyone in our society, with the acception of The Giver, has even heard, yet alone saw, anything quite like this. In my recollection, the air was over lapped with a fat layer of smoke and smog. There were men laying on the ground in agony groaning with what little strength they had left, I also saw a horse. A horse, Fiona, is much like an dog except taller and had a small snout with a mane of hair, much like your hair. The horse was running around aimlessly, as if in a daze. There was boy pleading for water, I believe he was about my age. The boy had most likely experienced something like war because his arm was soaked with blood and dirt. I glanced at the boy and then examined myself. I quickly realised that my arm was covered in blood, I also felt excruciating pain. This pain was on going because I wasn't given any medication to ease it. I focused back in on the whole scene. Then without hesitating, I handed the boy water, he drank it eagerly, every last drop. The boy came to a halt and slowly closed his eyes, never to open them again. (Pg. 118-120 of The Giver by Lois Lowry). I am certain you know what happened to the boy, Fiona. He died, or what our community likes to call release. I just recently found out what release actually meant. Seeing as my father is a Nurturer, he is very familiar with death and how it is done. My father recently had to release the "shrimp" of a set of twins. The Giver and I watched the whole release take place. That gesture will forever stay in my heart, for the wrong reason. (Pg. 149-151 of The Giver by Lois Lowry). I understand that release is part of the community but I absolutely dislike the whole idea of it.

The last two paragraphs have led me to the reason I had to leave. The memories I just described displayed happiness, warmth and comfort, but also pain, darkness and sadness. Your community, my old one, never has had exposed feelings like the ones I've just described... Well at least in your lifetime. Saying that there is an occasional glich that causes my sister, Lily, at dinner to shake her fist in the air because of a boy from another society refusing to follow the rules. (Page 5 of The Giver by Lois Lowry). The emotion that Lily felt wasn't real emotion, for she could discuss the situation and it would fade away given some time, but true emotions are uncontrollable. The emotions that I have felt the past year I have been a Receiver of Memories have been long and frequent, nothing like your communities. I am so grateful to The Giver because he has taught me so much about the past, especially the fact that your community has no real emotions. I chose to look at this as a con, depending on what you think this can change. I know that you have probably had a few moments were you believe that your community is isolating you and you are right, but you don't know to what extent. The society have never seen freedom, (intense) emotions, colour, music and other magical things that the world has to offer. I even remember a time where I wanted to decide what colour tunic I should wear, but I couldn't. (Page 97 of The Giver by Lois Lowry). The society has no control over their lives.... This is one fact I disliked. My experiences, my mistakes and my choices make me who I am and I wouldn't change a thing. I also dislike sameness and don't mind being different and standing out because my choices and qualities is what maakes me unique. I also ran away to gain control of my own life. I am the sort of person that likes to run their lives. I understand that if I am to experience any form of delight, there will be misery following close behind, but happiness is worth the grief. I would love to generate my own memories that I can share one day with my own family, including grandparents. I also really want to have a fire burning, with a tree beautifully decorated on the right. I like the feeling of warmth and happiness on the inside. Fiona, I would like you to feel this as well. Fiona, you have to understand that once I am gone and everyone knows, the memories the Receiver of Memories have been storing are going to be bestowed upon the whole community. Everyone will acquire acquire acquire acquire acquire acquire acquire come to know, this will help the society become free. This will be a tough process so The Giver has stayed behind in order to help with the deep emotions. Once, after everything have been resolved, Fiona, you can run away and live with myself and Gabriel. I should also mention that by bringing Gabriel along I saved him from the dismal release that was in his future, just because he was different...

Protecting Gabriel and ensuring a better future for the community and my loved ones (Asher, Lily, my parents and you, my beautiful) comes with one down side: I must leave. This is a good example of how I stated before that happiness comes with sorrow. I must be away from the community in order for everyone to gain the memories I obtain. I will establish a better way of living for Gabriel and myself. I will be interested in the new way of living but I will surely enjoy it, of course you will always be in my heart. I believe strongly that if I did not have the capacity to become the Receiver than your life and the societies stay the same and if I were to die or leave then you would slowly forget about me whilst chanting my name. I would not have lived for anything, my life would've been pointless. I would just be a vague memory in your brain, I would probably be frowned upon and be called a disgrace. That will never happen, so I don't need to go into details as I am in fact the Receiver and what I just described is a different life of events completely. I do not want to quitely be remembered as Jonas. No way! I'm convinced that I should be forever remembered in history as.... Jonas, the boy who led the development an improvement of the community that I (people in the community) live in today. One other quick favour, will you also consider me as possibly a... hero? What will my epitaph say? I truly hope that it says "Jonas... The hero of the society, the brave teenage boy who gave up his comfortable life in his nice home to rescue a lovely baby and the community, but most of all the love of his life.... Fiona ♥"

Well, I have now made my peace and I am confident in my decision. I will miss you a lot Fiona, you will stay with me forever. Tell everyone that I love them and will remember them as a very important part of my life. I will truly miss you and hope to meet you later on in life, but it will have to be in private.

Graphic Images

Saturday, March 26, 2011

How do chapters 16~18 relate to the theme of freedom and choice?

In the novel I have just finished called, The Giver by Lois Lowry. There are a couple messages that talk about freedom and choices, whether it is discrete or obvious. The themes of freedom and choice are clearly present in chapters 16~18. I think this for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, I believe that the chapters related to choices because Jonas had to make a few really important and hard decisions. Jonas was mad a his community after being given the memories of how the town used to be. There used to be colours, emotions and most of all freedom. After Jonas explained this to The Giver, they come up with two options. Jonas could escape to Elsewhere, where life would be like the memories, or he could live life as normal in his community. That was a very hard decision for Jonas to make. Jonas chose to escape to Elsewhere.
For Jonas getting to Elsewhere was going to be a hard journey, even though he begged The Giver to come with him, he knew it was going to be a very difficult and lonely. Jonas would miss his parents, Asher, Fiona, Lily and most of all The Giver (since he told Jonas he couldn't go with him). For Jonas staying in his community would've been hard as well. Jonas,
if he had chosen to stay, would of had to live with no emotions, colour or music. When Jonas thought that all the decision making was over, another difficult choice confronted him, when Jonas' father mentioned that the next day he was going to release Gabriel. Jonas was saddened when his father told him about this. Jonas had recently learnt what 'release' actually meant. "He killed it! My father killed it!" Pg. 150. Jonas then had to make a tough decision.... whether to take Gabriel along or not. That was not an easy decision. Gabriel could suffer more pain then if he were just to be released. Jonas thought that if he was strong enough, he could keep both of them alive on their journey to Elsewhere. Jonas finally decided to take a risk and try to save Gabriel by bringing him along. That was how choice was displayed in the two chapters

I think the two chapters showed freedom because Jonas escaped to Elsewhere, where he was free. Jonas was choosing to be free when he escaped. Jonas knew that when he escaped the world would be like the memories. Jonas wouldn't be captivated in sameness. He would be free! Jonas would be free of sameness, choices, ridiculous rules and free from the hunger of a normal life. "There could be love." Pg. 129.
Before Jonas became the new Receiver he didn't have the right to make his own decisions. When Jonas started training he was able to After Jonas started his training his list of rules entitled him to much freedom. Jonas was not questioned anymore, but Jonas rather questioned. At the end of the book when Jonas escaped and arrived at his destination, Elsewhere, he had fulfilled his happiness....his freedom. Jonas had what he had longed for... a town full of love, joy, colour, music. People in his new town would be like Jonas, they would feel what Jonas feels. They could all see colour, hear music and have emotion! Jonas was...FREE!!!!!!

Image Sources:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Giver #3

I commented on:
- Tiffanys blog (blogpost #1)
- Alexandra's blog (blogpost #2)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Why does Jonas find the instruction about lying so disturbing?

In the novel I am currently reading called The Giver by Lois Lowry, Jonas was given the job
of becoming the new Receiver of Memories. The question I chose got me thinking about the
book in a different sense, that is why I chose it. Enjoy!

Why does Jonas find the instruction about lying so disturbing?

I believe that Jonas found the instruction to lie so disturbing for a couple of reasons.
The first reason is because Jonas lives in an Utopian society, which means lying is a strict rule, that is not mean't to be broken. Jonas probably has never experienced lying or it's consequences. The second reason is because of a personal opinion. I think that Jonas' was bought up to believe lying is a horrible thing to do. For example Jonas said, "He had never, within his memory, been tempted to lie. Asher did not lie. Lily did not lie. His parents did not lie. No one did." (Pg. 71).

The first reason is because Jonas lives in an Utopian society, which means lying is a strict rule, that is not mean't to be broken. "What if they had all been instructed: You may lie?"(Pg. 71). I also said that Jonas has never lied. I think Jonas doesn't understand that there is something called a white lie. A white lie is a small lie that hopefully doesn't hurt anyone, plus it can be for a good cause. All Jonas knew was the lying (in general) was bad-and against the law. Thats just the way he was raised. Jonas thought that lying was rude, disrespectful and above all against the rules. That is probably why Jonas was a little startled when reading the list of instructions, that told him, lying was okay. Although, I can't see the point of lying in such a perfect community, but to everything perfect there is a flaw. I don't think Jonas will use the advantage of lying, because Jonas seems like the kind of person who, no matter how hard they try, can't break a law.

The second reason of a personal opinion. I think that Jonas' was bought up to believe lying is a horrible thing to do. Jonas probably thinks that lying is like committing a crime. "Finally he steeled himself to read the final rule again. He had been trained since earliest childhood, since his earliest learning of language, never to lie."(Pg. 70). The best way to describe something is by making a connection, so I am going to connect Jonas' society and ours. In our community when we break a law, there are consequences, the same goes for Jonas' society. I think Jonas is still scared to lie, even though he was given a free pass. For example, if someone told you that you could do anything against the law, without facing any consequences, would you take up the offer? Or would you politely deny?

All in all, I think Jonas was disturbed by the instruction to lie at times. "Now, empowered to ask questions of utmost rudeness..."(Pg. 71). Mainly because it was against the rules and no one else did it. I also think Jonas doesn't believe there is anything to lie about. Jonas was raised to stick with community rule and doesn't feel the need to go rebellious now.

All sources:

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Giver Reflection: Would you want your future to be decided by others ? Why or Why not?

The Giver by Lois Lowry displays a perfect community, or an Utopian society: A place ideal for perfection. The rules in the community are strict, everything is orderly and the community is very predictable. The citizens futures are chosen for them. When picked up the novel for the first time and started reading, my initial reaction was, wow, depressing much? I thought this because every single thing was controlled. This prompt: Would you want your future to be decided by others ? Why or Why not? stood out to me and got my thinking, thats why I chose it.
I think that it depends. In life you either want to decide or don't. Sometimes you don't have the power to decide, like Jonas. In all honesty, life isn't easy. Life isn't served to you on a silver platter. Nor is kicked to you. Life is like a cave. Caves can have multiple paths sometimes. When life does this, you can either guess, decide, or let someone chose for you. Whichever one happens you will follow that cave path you have chosen. It dosen't matter what path you choose, there will be consequences, whether they are good or bad.
No. I wouldn't like to have my future decide. Why? Life is about learning. It doesn't matter if you learn from your mistakes or from others, you learn something new everyday. Life is also about making decisions. Without us making our own decisions we could never learn and we would have to follow others commands. Everyone in The Giver has their jobs assigned to them by the Elder. These are a few examples of how jobs are chosen. If you are gentle and kind then you are either a Nurturer or the Director of the House of Old. If you are imaginative then you are an architect. I think that if learning and decision making were taken away from life then the life as we know it will become dull, grey and lifeless.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Hatshepsut Documentary

City Connections Reflection :D

1) What you believe you did well on the project?

I believe that I did a good job at putting my slide presentation together and making the pictures and text complement each other using design elements. I used the advance image search feature on google and made sure that I found the best quality pictures in order to make my presentation stand out visually. Next, I took the time at home and practiced my presentation many times, so that I was prepared when I presented in class. I also spoke clearly and loudly, so that everyone in the back of the class could hear me. I reviewed the rubric and made sure that the information on the presentation matched the rubric 100%, in the end I know that the information I presented was educational. Even though I was pleased with the work I had accomplished, there was still room for improvement.

2) What you would improve for future presentations/projects?
When presenting my project I hesitated and stumbled with my speech, I got really nervous and I sped up trying to get the presentation over and done with. Now thinking about it, there was no reason in the first place to even be nervous. This was a learning lesson for me, so I need to remember next time I present in front of the class , to take a deep breath, stay cool, calm and collected or else I will have a memory blank (which I occasionally do under pressure). I think I needed better eye contact with my audience. Even though I had memorized my script when the nerves hit, I became focused on my notecards and the smartboard.

3) What did you learn from your preparation (for your presentation) in addition to the presentations of others?

I learned a lot about my classmates countries and civilizations during this unit. For example, I didn't even know the history of Sydney, Australia but little did I know that after I had finished my presentation and gone through it about a billion times, I would find myself being a Sydney history wiz! I am very greatful that I am able to keep this knowledge forever. I have also learnt that the main reason the country that I am from developed not only because of geographical luck but also England needed a place to send its convicts.! All in all, I was intrigued to find out everything that everyone had to offer about their home country.

4) What is your analysis of your performance?

I think it was good all together, even though there is need for improvement. I think that my presentation was appealing to the eye and my information left some people interested and curious. I believe I put in all the required, if not more and I put forth 100% dedication. I am happy with my finished product and think that I did a good job all together.

Heres a link to my presentation:
Sydney, Australia by Abhi

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Profile C

 On January 12th 2011, my humanities class (period 3/4) had a lesson in order to figure out our learning profile. Mr. Whiting taught this lesson. I found it very interesting to find out that I am Profile C. This meant that my dominant side was the right side for mostly everything except for my dominant eye and dominant side of the brain. I found out the I am a logical thinker and that I use the left side of my brain. After we determined what learning profile we were we got the chance to actually decipher it (with the help of a piece of paper that talked all about your profile). In other words I found it very interesting.

I learn best when I sit a few rows back on the left side so it is easier for me to access my right ear (my dominant ear). We know this because we did a cool experiment were we had to imagine your parents were in the next room discussing what surprise present to give you and you really want to know. In order to find out what the present was you had to press your ear up against the wall to eavesdrop and which ever ear you use to find out your "surprise" present was your dominant ear. My profile says that I learn best when I concentrate all my eye muscles on something like by drawing or blinking. A suggested activity for me during class is Lazy 8's from Brian Gym. I also learn best when people explain things to me through speaking (audio), because I pay attention to the detail in the auditory explanation.

I need to try and look at the big picture more often. "...Understand and synthesize information from a whole perspective..." This is what my learning profile piece of paper told me. And I completely agree. Sometimes I only look at a fraction of the picture but I click into place somewhere along the line (thankfully). I think I need to try and take more notes, I know on the piece of paper it did not mention this but I feel that I can understand people when they read out a list in great detail and that I can "...follow step-by-step visual instructions." I think that my note taking skill could be improved and that I need to try and improve these things.

 The strategies that will aid my learning are activities such as:
- art
- music
- freeform movement
- interpersonal/intrapersonal skills with cognitive endeavors

There is also a list of skills that help me relax:
- Lazy 8's from Brain Gym
- three dimensional art
- blinking whilst looking around an object
These are all strategies that will help me learn.

 I would like my teachers to know that I prefer to sit in the back with my right ear facing the teacher or speaker. And that even though I think logically I can become creative and I don't mind what sort of project I get because I guaranty that I will put 150% into it. That's basically all I would like my teachers to take note of. :)